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How long it takes to get a LCCI diploma certificate

LCCI diploma, LCCI certificate,
LCCI diploma, LCCI certificate,

LCCI (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry) International Qualifications are designed to deliver the skills essential for success in today’s demanding commercial environment, order a LCCI diploma certificate. By matching business skills to employers’ requirements and providing reliable evidence of candidates’ abilities, they receive international recognition from employers, educational institutes and professional bodies worldwide.

The LCCI brand has been renowned for over 100 years. ​Available in more than 80 countries, these international qualifications are supported by extensive learning resources and easy online administration.

LCCI Global Qualifications (LCCI GQ) is an award winning and one of the leading organizations in the field of soft skills and management skills training. LCCI GQ works towards helping thousands of Nepalese people through its international, customized and local training programs. These trainings help candidates to enhance their capacity and advance in business, life skills and related fields, in a competitive and prosperous world. LCCI is focused on building itself as institution of repute and to work as an emerging education and training institution of Nepal.

Over the last few years, LCCI has trained and certified more than hundreds of students from all across Nepal in various soft skills and management related qualifications. LCCI GQ has been offering its programs all across worldwide which are customized as per local needs, replica LCCI certificate, order a fake certificate online. LCCI GQ achieved a major milestone where our trainings along with our overall systems were validated and approved by Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Scotland. This approval means that the programs which are developed and owned by LCCI GQ remains under the ownership of LCCI, however, its quality is assessed by SQA. Today LCCI GQ’s Registered Training Centers are spread all across Nepal as well as in China and Malaysia.

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