American Public University System is a higher education institution located in Jefferson County, WV. In 2021, the most popular Associates Degree concentrations at American Public University System were General Studies (1,712 degrees awarded), Other Health Professions & Related Clinical Sciences (604 degrees), and General Business Administration & Management (237 degrees). Steps to order a fake American Public University transcript, make fake American Military University transcript, make a fake transcript.
In 2021, 14,306 degrees were awarded across all undergraduate and graduate programs at American Public University System. 35.3% of these degrees were awarded to women, and 64.7% awarded men. The most common race/ethnicity group of degree recipients was white (7,891 degrees), 3.55 times more than then the next closest race/ethnicity group, black or african american (2,223 degrees).
The median undergraduate tuition at American Public University System is $6,840, which is $?16,344 less than the national average for Masters Colleges and Universities ($23,184). In 2021 American Public University System had an average net price — the price paid after factoring in grants and loans — of $11,916. Between 2020 and 2021, the average net price of American Public University System grew by 3.59%.